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Lenten Reflection Series - Celebrating God's Economy of Grace - A Zoom Series

This is a Zoom Series presented every Wednesday in Lent by Reverend Gregg from the West Charlton Presbyterian Church.

Linking the wisdom of the Twelve Step Program of Recovery with what St. Francis called “the marrow of the Gospel.” Twelve Steppers sometimes thought they had left the church for the Wednesday night meetings in the basement; and many upstairs in the sanctuary presumed that their “higher” concerns were something different from “those people with problems” down below. 

You do not have to be present at five weeks. Please join us any week.

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 252 059 6691; Passcode: wcupc1880

Or by using your mobile phone or home phone— +1-929-205-6099 when prompted put in the Meeting ID: 252 059 6691 & Password: 810774