Our Music

... be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord...
— Eph 5: 18-19.

We LOVE to hear all YOU singing!  It is such an affirmation of our faith to sweetly abandon that which tends to hold us back... i.e, "... I can't sing... can't carry a tune...can't read music...don't know that one...too tired...like to just listen...You don't want to hear MY voice!"  Let's let our minds and bodies and hearts praise the Lord through the marvelous gift of music He has given us all!  We think it's one of the best ways to say, "Thank you, Lord, for each new day, for the warming of the earth and the singing of the birds, for the blooming of the flowers and the lengthening of days, and for the incredible gifts of forgiveness and resurrection."  Let's hear it!


Join Us in Song!

Good news for all who have been missing the music from our choir! Starting in September, we are hoping to “rise from the ashes” the pandemic created, and be able to share with you once again “The Good News” in song! Trisha Smith has agreed to give rehearsals a try prior to the weeks she will be accompanying the service as long as she is available to do so. So that is a great start. Secondly, we need choir members. Most of us have been serving for decades and are now retired and traveling or wintering in warmer climes! My prayers are for new folks to give it a try. The commitment will not be long-term as before, but on a week-by-week basis. The music will not be too comprehensive so we can just have fun with it. The most important thing is to offer prayer and praise with a joyful heart, and secondly to enjoy the time spent in special fellowship with kindred spirits!

Christmas Cantata 2019